Monday, 15 April 2013

Rethink Your Breakfast

This is an article I read this morning on Dr.Mercola's site
If you’re still eating a sugar-filled, grain-heavy breakfast (bagels, pancakes, toast, cereal) this is among the worstchoices for the morning. A recent study found that eating a breakfast high in protein, such as eggs and meat, makes you less likely to binge on junk foods later that night,1 but even this may not be the best breakfast choice.
However, omitting breakfast entirely, as part of an intermittent fasting schedule (see tip #4 below), can actually have a number of phenomenal health benefits, from improving your insulin sensitivity to shifting your body into burning more fat instead of sugar for fuel. This is because eating first thing in the morning coincides with your circadian cortisol peak, that is, the time of day when your cortisol (a stress hormone) levels rise and reach their peak.
The circadian cortisol peak impacts your insulin secretion, such that when you eat during this time it leads to a rapid and large insulin release and a corresponding rapid drop in blood sugar levels, more so than when you eat at other times of the day.
If you're healthy, your blood sugar levels won't drop to a dangerously low level (such as can occur with hypoglycemia) but they can drop low enough to make you feel hungry. So, although skipping breakfast goes against the conventional idea that you should not skip meals, omitting breakfast could actually make it easier for you to control food cravings and hunger throughout the day.


Unknown said...

Wow, I was afraid to tell anyone that I have indeed been skipping breakfast and eating around 12ish for the past 3 weeks now. It is hard in the beginning but keep at it and drink lots of water and tea and it get easier. Ive been doing the Paleo diet also and cutting out all bread and sugar and have lost 11 lbs to date. :)

Love the idea Kandace , keep it coming..

missmojogalore said...

Drinking water is a must for sure.
wow, 11 pounds is a great accomplishment. Congrats!