Sunday, 28 April 2013


Here is another email that I am sharing with you all 
re: Where's My Mojo?

I love it. I too recently went to get my blood work done ‘cause I was experiencing so many of the same symptoms as you.  I have zero mojo, gaining weight, bad sleeps…. Results came back and thyroid, sugar, colesteral counts all borderline approaching the bad zone. My doctor recommended I try to reduce sugar and loose weight. I am to return in three months for another blood test to see how much my attempts impact body functions. The body weight, carb or sugar intake, thyroid all seem to be correlated – and concur. I will try to find an article I read which discussed the correlations and included acid reflux in the discussion. Boy could I relate.

All that to say thank you for sharing. I can definitely empathize as I am going through the same crap.

Cut down on wine and carbs! My favourite food groups.

I should just look positively to adding more exercise to my life.

Lots of love,


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