Wednesday, 24 April 2013

How Many Teaspoons Of Sugar Is In Your Pasta?

My dear friend Stacy, told me about a formula that anyone can use to calculate how much sugar is in your canned foods, processed foods, pastas, crackers, rice, oatmeal, dairy, etc.  Any foods that are canned or packaged will have a Nutrition Facts label. If you are trying to cut out sugar in your daily foods, so you can drop those last few pounds around the stomach area, like I am, then this simple method might work for you.

All food is either carbohydrate, protein or fat. You have probably heard of sugars like glucose, lactose, maltose, fructose & sucrose. All of those are carbohydrates. But carbohydrates do not have to be just individual sugar molecules, they can be long chains of sugar molecules - things we call flour, pasta, & rice.
Yogurt is a milk product. All milk products are high in lactose, the "milk sugar." So, even all natural, organic plain yogurt will contain carbohydrates and most or all of them will be "sugars."

While you are reading package labels, there is one sugar in particular that you should watch for and avoid. That one is "high density fructose" which is suddenly appearing in all kinds of things you would never dreamed contained sugar at all.

OK, now here is the formula:

Total gm of Carbs   Subtract ( - ),   Total gm of Fibre ,  Divide by 5  = Teaspoons of Sugar

Here is a photo of packaged Quick Rolled Oats

27 - 4 = 23

23 (divide by 5)  =  4.6 teaspoons of Sugar!

That's over 4 teaspoons of Sugar in just  a 1/2 cup of Oatmeal.

Here is a photo of packaged Basmati Rice

38 - 0 = 38

38 (divide by 5) =  7.6 teaspoons of Sugar!

That's over 7 teaspoons of Sugar in just a 1/4 cup of Basmati Rice!


Unknown said...

Thanks Kandace, I did not know this...

missmojogalore said...

I love it. I too recently went to get my blood work done ‘cause I was experiencing so many of the same symptoms as you. I have zero mojo, gaining weight, bad sleeps…. Results came back and thyroid, sugar, colesteral counts all borderline approaching the bad zone. My doctor recommended I try to reduce sugar and loose weight. I am to return in three months for another blood test to see how much my attempts impact body functions. The body weight, carb or sugar intake, thyroid all seem to be correlated – and concur. I will try to find an article I read which discussed the correlations and included acid reflux in the discussion. Boy could I relate.

All that to say thank you for sharing. I can definitely empathize as I am going through the same crap.

Cut down on wine and carbs! My favourite food groups.

I should just look positively to adding more exercise to my life.

Lots of love,


Anonymous said...

Hi Kandace,
One more piece to the Carbohydrate
Formula, if you are trying to loose weight, anything above 11 teaspoons of sugar in your daily diet will prevent you from loosing....this formula really made me think of food in a very different way. I used to eat "gluten free" and I was consuming way too much sugar. I have definitely noticed in the past 2 months that my cellulite has decreased due to staying conscious about my carbohydrate intake.
Thanks for sharing all this great info Kandace,
xx Stac